全能终端神器 MobaXterm v21.5



v22.2 (2022-11-15)
• Improvement: updated the local terminal environment to the latest version
• Improvement: updated packages downloaded through “apt”
• Improvement: increased the speed of “apt” and “MobApt” packages managers
• Improvement: better detection of special Unicode characters in Windows console applications
• Improvement: set “MSYSTEM” variable to “MINGW64” for Git-Bash sessions
• Improvement: set preferred PATH to /usr/bin instead of /bin by default
• Improvement: unified profile scripts in order to have similar features in all local shells
• Improvement: removed the MobaSendMsg binary which is no longer needed
• Improvement: removed “mkpasswd” and “mkgroup” which are no longer needed for faster startup
• Improvement: you can now choose precisely the local terminal shell and distribution
• Improvement: you can now choose an external distribution for MobaXterm local terminal
• Improvement: added ZSH support in the local terminal environment and “Shell” sessions
• Improvement: several speed improvements when dealing with many sessions (more than 1000)
• Improvement: you can now scroll the remote monitoring status bar when it is larger than the window
• Improvement: you can now choose to display NFS mounted partitions in the remote monitoring status bar
• Improvement: disabled the “Redirect drives”, “Redirect printers” and “Redirect ports” by default for RDP sessions
• Improvement: added 3 INI configuration settings for terminal reconnection hotkeys, TermReconnectKey, TermSaveKey, and TermExitKey
• Improvement: added default security presets in the Professional Customizer program
• Improvement: added a new setting to disable “MobApt” package manager from the Professional Customizer program
• Improvement: added a new setting to disable “RDP Reconnect” feature from the Professional Customizer program
• Improvement: in portable mode, the agent keys paths automatically use variables for “CurrentDrive” or “CurrentFolder”
• Improvement: you can now select the SSH protocol version for each SSH session
• Improvement: you can now sort the key exchange algorithms list for each SSH session
• Improvement: you can now sort the host key algorithms list for each SSH session
• Improvement: you can now sort the ciphers algorithms list for each SSH session
• Improvement: you can now choose to prevent MobaXterm from advertising the host key algorithm it already knows to the server
• Improvement: you can now choose to enable or disable agent authentication and agent forwarding for each SSH session
• Improvement: improved support for multi-monitors with different DPI settings
• Improvement: improved support for changing Windows resolution while MobaXterm is open
• Improvement: prevented MobaXterm from being blurry when started on a secondary 4K monitor
• Improvement: improved MobaXterm and MobaTextEditor icons sharpness
• Improvement: prevented RDP sessions from being blurry on the secondary monitor
• Improvement: improved speed of embedded resources decompression
• Bugfix: removed the password prompt when starting a tunnel with a proxy connection without authentication
• Bugfix: underscores were not properly rendered in the “paste confirmation” dialog when Windows DPI was set to 125%
• Bugfix: expanding a sessions folder using double-click could lead to launching the first session in some specific circumstances
• Bugfix: fixed some download issues in the SCP browser when the SSH connection password was not stored into MobaXterm
• Bugfix: X11-forwarding was failing under specific circumstances in SSH sessions with proxy
• Bugfix: fixed a connection issue with SSH sessions, when a SOCKS proxy and a jump host were configured in the same session
• Bugfix: after clicking “Cancel” in SFTP sessions authentication prompts, the connexion is properly aborted
• Bugfix: properly check for the remote server host key when starting SFTP sessions
• Bugfix: when an SFTP session is aborted, the “canceled” password is no more sent to the server

MobaXterm Home Edition v22.2

MobaXterm Professional Keygen:https://pan.quark.cn/s/be7facc8b5c9




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